文:MenClub Dio
POSTED ON 09 Nov 2023
細細個成日聽人講,喺邊度跌低就喺邊度起番身;不過大個咗見到最多嘅係,喺邊度跌低就喺邊度再跌多一次......Richard Hammond炒過Rimac一鑊令呢個品牌出晒名之後,六年後今次再遇Rimac,跳上1,888hp的Nevera,佢有信心,車廠亦鼓起勇氣。其實片中Richard Hammond都有解釋番當年炒車事件,好識做咁話:「I’ve always fessed up: It was me,” he says in a new video for Drivetribe. “And my excuse was, it was so crazily, addictively fast, and so drivable and exploitable that, well, I crossed the finish line at a Swiss hill climb, and kept my foot in. And no amount of computer wizardry and technical genius can defy physics.」又的確,當年係證實咗Rimac喺保護駕駛者嚟講做得唔錯。